Provenance Semirings

Background on Data Provenance

There is a hodgepodge of papers on “data provenance” and “data lineage” in the late 1990’s and 2000’s, which was motivated by a variety of applications.

Data Lineage? Data Provenance? Val Tannen commented: “Lineage is for horses. Provenance is for art. So we prefer the term provenance”.

Our paper today closed the book on the definitions of data provenance for monotone queries by finding a uniform algebraic framework in which they all sit. Moreover, the ideas in this paper can be used for “sidecar computations on queries” that aren’t obviously data provenance applications.

The basic idea in data provenance is something like proof trees: we want explanations for answer tuples. This led to a bunch of different variations on provenance, which are well explained in this survey paper. A later survey goes into more depth on issues like negation, applications and implementation .

Rather than learn them historically, we’ll learn the algebraic framework and make sense of the earlier ideas.

The basic idea here is super simple: we’ll tag (annotate) every EDB tuple with some information. If the information follows the same mathematical rules as relational query processing, then the IDB tuples can have derived tags. Those mathematical rules come from semi-rings.

Applications of Data Provenance

  1. Associativity: $(x \times y) \times z = x \times (y \times z)$
  2. Identity element: $\exists e \in G : \forall x \in G, x \times e = e$ and $e \times x = e.$


A Group is an algebraic structure: $(G, \times)$ satisfying the following axioms:

  1. Associativity: $(x \times y) \times z = x \times (y \times z)$
  2. Identity element: $\exists e \in G : \forall x \in G, x \times e = e$ and $e \times x = e.$
  3. Inverse element: $\forall a \in G \; \exists a^{-1} \in G : a \times a^{-1} = e$ and $a^{-1} \times a = e$.

Abelian (Commutative) Groups

A Group is said to be Commutative or an Abelian Group (after algebraist Niels Henrik Abel) if it also satisfies:

  1. Commutativity: $x \times y = y \times x$.


A Ring is an algebraic structure: $(R, +, \times)$ satisfying the following axioms:

  1. $(R, +)$ is an Abelian group. (We refer to $+$ as addition). The identity for addition is $0$.
  2. $(R, \times$) is a monoid. (We refer to $\times$ as multiplication). The identity for multiplication is $1$.
  3. Multiplication distributes over addition, i.e.
    • $a \times (b + c) = (a \times b) + (a \times c)$ for all a, b, c in R (left distributivity).
    • $(b + c) \times a = (b \times a) + (c \times a)$ for all a, b, c in R (right distributivity).


tl;dr: A semi-ring is like ring, but $(R, +)$ is a commutative monoid – i.e. there is no inverse for addition.

Since this is our main structure, let’s review here to be self-contained:

A Semi-ring is an algebraic structure: $(R, +, \times)$ satisfying the following axioms:

  1. $(R, +)$ is a commutative monoid. (We refer to $+$ as addition). The identity for addition is $0$.
  2. $(R, \times$) is a monoid. (We refer to $\times$ as multiplication). The identity for multiplication is $1$.
  3. Multiplication distributes over addition, i.e.
    • $a \times (b + c) = (a \times b) + (a \times c)$ for all a, b, c in R (left distributivity).
    • $(b + c) \times a = (b \times a) + (c \times a)$ for all a, b, c in R (right distributivity).

Commutative Semi-Ring

In a commutative semi-ring, both operations are commutative (monoids).

Idea 1: K-Relations

Many previous notions of provenance rest on the idea that we keep an extra annotation attribute (or multiple) in each relation to calculate certain properties.

Traditional set theory tags the (maybe infinite) universe of all tuples with True and False.

More generally, we define a K-Relation:

Definition 3.1. Let $K$ be a set containing a distinguished element $0$. A K-relation over a finite set of attributes $U$ is a function $R : \textsf{U-Tup} \rightarrow K$ such that its support, defined by $supp(R) \stackrel{def}{=} {t R(t) \ne 0}$, is finite.

Idea 2: $RA^+$ on semirings

Now we define an extended relational algebra over K-relations, where the annotations come from a semiring. It turns out this behaves like relational algebra iff we choose semirings.


  • the $+$ operator captures alternative use (union, projection)
  • the $\times$ operator captures joint use (join, cartesian product).
  • $0$ captures “absent” tuples, and $1$ is a “neutral” annotation.

As a running example, here assume the annotation is the multiplicity of a tuple – how many times it should appear in the output in bag/multiset semantics. This follows the familiar definitions of addition and multiplication in an intuitive way.

If you take the semiring $(\mathbb{B}, \vee, \wedge, \textsf{false}, \textsf{true})$ this gives you good old relational algebra.

If you take the semiring $(\mathbb{N}, +, \times, 0, 1)$ (multiplicities) this gives you bag relational algebra.

Note: Unlike traditional relational algebra, for K-relations union and (self-)join are not idempotent.

Consider datalog extended with a multiplicity attribute on each relation.

side(potato, starch, 5).
side(bread, starch, 4).
side(caesar, salad, 3).
side(kale, salad, 4).
side(bread, salad, 3).
main(curry, 2).
main(burger, 4).

all_side(x, sum<mult>) :- side(x, _, mult), 
pairing(mname, sname, total_mult) 
    :- main(mname, mmult), all_side(sname, smult), total_mult = mmult * smult
pairing(mname, sname).

all_side(potato, 5).
all_side(bread, 4+3).
all_side(caesar, 3).
all_side(kale, 4).
pairing(curry, potato, 2*5).
pairing(curry, bread, 2*(4+3)).
pairing(curry, caesar, 2*3).
pairing(curry, kale, 2*4).
pairing(burger, potato, 4*5).
pairing(burger, bread, 4*(4+3)).
pairing(burger, caesar, 4*3).
pairing(burger, kale, 4*4).

Idea 3: Provenance Polynomials, Datalog

We can keep track of provenance at a fine grain using a provenance polynomial:

Definition 4.1. Let $X$ be the set of tuple ids of a (usual) database instance $I$. The positive algebra provenance semiring for $I$ is the semiring of polynomials with variables (a.k.a. indeterminates) from $X$ and coefficients from $\mathbb{N}$, with the operations defined as usual: $(\mathbb{N}[X], +, \times, 0, 1)$.

This tells us which combinations (joins) of tuples were formed, and how many of each there are.

Going from RA+ to Datalog, a provenance polynomial of an IDB tuple in Datalog “sums up” all its proof trees, where each proof tree is a “product” of annotations. That is, the provenance polynomial is formed by taking the product of the annotations of the leaves of each tree, and summing across these trees. We may have inifinitely many distinct monomials, or infinitely large coefficients. This can equivalently be described via a power series; see the paper.

(Much of the remainder of these slides cribbed directly from Val Tannen’s very nice Gems of PODS talk!)

sue_notes(cat, mouse, p).
sue_notes(cat, rat, q).
val_notes(mouse, gray, r).
val_notes(mouse, red, s).
val_notes(rat, gray, t).

out(x, z) :- sue(x, y), val(y, z).

out(cat, gray, p*r+q*t)
out(cat, red, p*s)

Reading a provenance polynomial like $2r^2 + rs$:

We can specialize semirings beyond provenance!

Specialize Provenance for Access Control

$(\mathbb{A}, min, max, 0, Pub)$ where $\mathbb{A} = Pub < Conf < Sec < TSec < 0$.

sue_notes(cat, mouse, Pub).   % p
sue_notes(cat, rat, Pub).     % q
val_notes(mouse, gray, TSec). % r
val_notes(mouse, red, TSec).  % s
val_notes(rat, gray, Conf).   % t

out(x, z) :- sue(x, y), val(y, z).

% out(cat, gray, p*r+q*t)
% = out(cat, gray, Pub*TSec + Pub*Conf)
% =
out(cat, gray, Conf)
% out(cat, red, p*s)
% = out(cat, red, Pub*TSec)
% =
out(cat, red, TSec)

Specialize Provenance for Confidence Scores

$\mathbb{V} = ([0,1], max, \times, 0, 1)$, the Viterbi Semiring. Also used widely used in AI and signal processing for sequential (markovian) processes.

sue_notes(cat, mouse, 0.9).  %p
sue_notes(cat, rat, 0.9).    %q
val_notes(mouse, gray, 0.6). %r
val_notes(mouse, red, 0.1).  %s
val_notes(rat, gray, 0.8).   %t

out(x, z) :- sue(x, y), val(y, z).

% out(cat, gray, p*r+q*t)
% = out(cat, gray, max(0.9*0.6,  0.9*0.8))
% =
out(cat, gray, 0.72)
% out(cat, red, p*s)
% = out(cat, red, 0.9*0.1)
% =
out(cat, red, 0.09)

Putting Prior Work in Context

Legacy Terminology:

Provenance semirings, e.g.,

Application semirings, e.g.,

and some more:

A Hierarchy of Provenance Semirings

flowchart TD
top["N[X]\n2x^2y + xy + 5y^2 + xz"]
Bx["B[x}\nx^2y +x y + y^2 + xz"]
TrioX["Trio(x)\n3xy+ 5y + xz"]
SorpX["Sorp(X)\nxy + y^2 + xz"]
WhyX["Why(X)\nxy + y + xz"]
PosBoolX["PosBool(X)\ny + xz"]
top -- +idemp. --> Bx
top -- *idemp. --> TrioX
Bx -- absorption(ab+a=a) --> SorpX
TrioX -- +idemp --> WhyX
Bx -- *idemp --> WhyX
SorpX -- *idemp --> PosBoolX
WhyX -- absorption --> PosBoolX
WhyX -- +=* --> WhichX

Note: Each Downwards edge is a surjective semiring homomorphism, identity on X

Extensions and Open Areas