Free Join: A Practical WCOJ?
The Big Idea
- Traditional query processing implements declarative queries (SQL/Datalog/etc) using binary join operators from relational algebra.
- In principle, we could have n-way join operators.
- The query processor (dataflow engine) doesn’t mind
- The query optimizer (a la Cascades) doesn’t mind
- In fact, we saw this with eddies, esp. with SteMs/STAIRS.
- That is an n-way join
- And we had no real trouble hacking it into PostgreSQL
Question: Can n-way joins do better than binary joins?
Answer: NPRR (Ngo, Porat, Re’, Rudra, PODS 2012). Yes, sometimes!
- Even better, they are optimal in a big-O (worst-case) sense
- Even in cases where no sequence of binary joins is optimal.
Background: AGM
- How big can the output of an equi-join of 3 tables of size N be?
- AGM bound: Atserias, Grohe, Marx, FOCS 2008: tight bound N^(3/2) on output cardinality of a “full” conjunctive query (every column is in the output), given input/output cardinalities <= N.
- How bad can the output of a binary sub-join of 2 tables be? AHA!
- We’ve seen that Yannakakis/LIP avoids this!
- How well does it do??
- But Yannakakis is only for “acyclic” queries
- Acyclic queries have a rather technical definition. I like Paris Koutris’ lecture notes (see lectures 4 and 5).)
- For example, The Triangle Query is cyclic. More on this below.
- We’ve seen that Yannakakis/LIP avoids this!
- Is there an n-way join algorithm that achieves the bound in general?
The NPRR paper was hard to read (Chris Re told me not to assign it to PhD students), and the constructive algorithm wasn’t practical.
Coincidentally (??), Todd Veldhuizen at LogicBlox invented a very understandable join algorithm called Leapfrog Trie Join, and then realized (because he was hanging out with Hung Ngo?) that it is a WCOJ!
- NPRR -> Leapfrog Trie Join –> Generic Join –> FreeJoin.
- We’re on the road to clearing up this whole business.
- I think there’s one or two more steps to go!
Let’s Revisit Binary join
- Start by assuming equijoin queries, with Hash Join implementation in memory
- Consider the query
R(a, b) ⨝ S(b, c)
, i.e.SELECT * FROM R, S WHERE R.b = S.b
Here is a standard “query plan” using binary joins and a Hashjoin-like scheme where we index the right relation on the fly (build a hashtable) and scan the left relation to probe the index. I like drawing query plans because they can be read either as (a) parse trees over collection types (relations), or (b) dataflow implementations that iterate over tuples. To me this is a nice middle-ground between declarative (SQL) and imperative (for loops).
flowchart TD
direction LR
classDef attr fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef tuple fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
subgraph BJ["Binary Join"]
direction BT
R[R] --> j1[⨝_IX] --> j2[⨝_IX]
S[S] --> SIx{S} -->j1
T[T] --> TIx{T} --> j2
An Aside: Column Stores and Datalog Variables
In the late 1990s, early 2000s, the DB community got excited about optimizing big warehouse queries by storing tables 1 column per file (“columnar”) rather than all columns in a file (row storage). Various benefits:
- Projection pushdown into storage (scan only columns you need)
- Easy to compress/decompress columnar storage (single data type)
- Easy to “vectorize” (i.e. batch) process in query plans:
- a batch of column values fits in cache at once
- no pointer-chasing or arithmetic to access a column within a tuple
- We’ll read more about this later in the semester
- Column-stores are typically viewed by an optimizer as as some kind of “materialized view” of a projection query.
- The DB theory literature has lots of literature focusing on join variables, which are apparent in Datalog notation. Thinking at the level of variables rather than relations is used in PODS literature a lot, including Yannakakis and WCOJ.
Output(x, y, z) :- R(x, y), S(y, x)
- Equivalent to
are “variables”. Shared variables express equijoin.
- The FreeJoin paper is the first I’ve seen to put these ideas together usefully!
A nice, simple WCOJ: Generic Join
Generic Join is a WCOJ, meaning it reaches the inherent asymptotic complexity of producing the join (you can’t do better in big-O terms). It’s kind of like Yannakakis but it works for any query.
- I’d like to connect Generic Join and Yannakakis directly. Didn’t happen before today’s lecture!
Generic join works by ordering the query variables rather than the tables in the query.
An Aside: The Triangle Query
The simplest cyclic query is the “triangle” query: R(x, y) ⨝ S(y, z) ⨝ T(x, z)
, i.e.
WHERE = S.from
AND = T.from
AND = R.from
This is the general version of actually finding triangles in graph, which is the self-join version:
Edge(x, y) ⨝ Edge(y, z) ⨝ Edge(x, z)
, i.e.SELECT * FROM Edge AS R, Edge AS S, Edge AS T WHERE = S.from AND = T.from AND = R.from
Back to Generic Join
- Pick an order like
x, y, z
, and alternate phases of projection/intersection and lookup:for a in R.x ∩ T.x: r = R[a]; t = T[a] for b in r.y ∩ S.y: s = S[b] for x in s.z ∩ t.z: output(a, b, c)
- For our purposes below, let’s use an
to make the loop indexes explicit:for (i_x, a) in enumerate(R.x ∩ T.x): r = R[a]; t = T[a] for (i_y, b) in enumerate(r.y ∩ S.y): s = S[b] for (i_z, x) in enumerate(s.z ∩ t.z): # at loop index (i_x, i_y, i_z) output(a, b, c)
I prefer to think of this as dataflow. Obviously ∩
is a simple binary operator (a join algorithm). The array indexing (S[a]
, etc) is literally Index Join of the loop variable values (bindings of a
) with an index on another relation(S
). Given that the loop variable is “a set of variable bindings”, this is actually semi-join!
This gives us a “query plan” of binary operators, alternating between project/intersect and index join. The remaining trick is to put it together at the output, for which we may want to carry around our loop indexes. The pseudocode above doesn’t need the loop indexes, it gets them “for free” via control-flow, but we can make the loop index explicit and do it via Merge Join.
- Note: due to the extra loop indexes, intersect (
) has to become semi-join. - Might that be better than the for loops?!
flowchart TD
direction LR
classDef attr fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef tuple fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
subgraph BJ["Binary Join"]
direction BT
R[R] --> j1[⨝_IX] --> j2[⨝_IX]
S[S] --> SIx{S:y=>z} -->j1
T[T] --> TIx{T:z=>x} --> j2
subgraph BJ'["Binary Join sideways. Forces mermaid to shrink the GJ diagram to 1 page"]
direction LR
R'[R] --> j1'[⨝_IX] --> j2'[⨝_IX]
S'[S] --> SIx'{S:y=>z} -->j1'
T'[T] --> TIx'{T:z=>x} --> j2'
subgraph GJ["Generic Join for QΔ"]
direction BT
subgraph Sub1["x bindings"]
Rgj[R] --> p1["𝜋_x"] --> i1["∩"]
Tgj[T] --> p2[𝜋_x] --> i1
i1 --> e1[enumerate] -- (i_x<=>x) --> agj((a))
subgraph Sub2["semijoin on x bindings"]
Rgj --> RgjIx{R:x=>y}
agj --> gj1[⨝_IX]
RgjIx --> gj1 -- (i_x=>(x,y)) --> rgj(r)
agj --> gj2[⨝_IX]
Tgj --> TgjIx{T:x=>z} --> gj2[⨝_IX] -- (i_x=>(x,z)) --> tgj(t)
subgraph Sub3["y bindings (filtered by x)"]
rgj --> p3["𝜋_(i_x,y)"] --> i2[semijoin]
Sgj[S] --> p4[𝜋_y] --> i2
i2 --> e2[enumerate_y] -- ((i_x, i_y)=>y) --> bgj((b))
subgraph Sub4["semijoins on y bindings"]
bgj --> gj3[⨝_IX]
Sgj --> SgjIx{S:y=>z} --> gj3 -- ((i_x, i_y)=>(y=>z)) --> sgj(s)
subgraph Sub5["z bindings (filtered by x, y)"]
sgj --> p5["𝜋_(i_x,i_y,z)"] -- ((i_x, i_y)=>z) --> i3[semijoin]
tgj -- (i_x, z) --> p6["𝜋_(i_x,z)"] --> i3
i3 --> cgj((c))
agj -- (i_x<>=>x) --> align[⨝_MJ]
bgj -- ((i_x, i_y)=>y) --> align
cgj -- ((i_x, i_y)=>z) --> align
class agj,bgj,cgj attr;
class r,s,t tuple;
Note some funky things above:
- The pseudocode kept “projecting” in order to intersect (
a = R.x ∩ T.x
, etc.), and then “rejoining” via array index (T[a]
, etc). - In the dataflow version, we had to carry around the enumerated loop indexes counters (
, etc) to emulate the for loop indexes. - Can’t we keep the right variable around as we go?
- FreeJoin does this.
Aside: Generalized Hash Trie: Column Stores meet Hashtables
- Consider table R(x, y).
- We could store the column
, an array of distinctx
values. - We could do the same for
, which is ordered to zip withR.x
- That is,
is they
value associated withR.x[k]
- That is,
- OR we could have the
be a hashmap fromx
to a range of offsets inR.y
- or no need for
file, store theR.y
subarray for eachx
in its own location
- or no need for
- Do this recursively for some column ordering, gives you a hash-trie
- For SQL, the rightmost column is a hashmap from
value to multiplicity (# of dups of that tuple)
- For SQL, the rightmost column is a hashmap from
- This looks awfully like our
d loop indexes above!!
FreeJoin Plan
Generalize binary and generic joins!
- A list of lists like
[[R(x),S(x),T(x)], [R(a)], [S(b)], [T(x)]]
- Inner list is called a “node”
- Consists of “subatoms”, i.e. single-table projections
- Constraints:
- Subatoms in a FreeJoin plan form a partition of the attributes of each table
- First element of a “node” must be a cover
- it contains all variables to the right of that node that do not appear in previous nodes
- think of a cover as a set of variables that joins two subqueries
- the previous nodes are a subquery
- the remaining subatoms in this node are a subquery
- the cover ensures we don’t have a cross-product
- because we have covers, we will not need
d loop indexes!
Execution is a recursive algorithm.
- Hold that thought – we’ll look at dataflow versions below.
Optimizing a FreeJoin Plan
- current_node = [leftmost table]
- for each inner table X in the binary plan:
- for previously-bound attrs [a] of X, form X.[a] and append to current node
- add current_node to plan
- current_node = [X - X.[a]]
To optimize, pass information sideways! - i.e. pull any probeable subgoals into earlier nodes - need to rethink the GHTs as a result
COLT: Column-Oriented Lazy Trie - all columns stored separately, as in columnstore - OUT OF TIME TO PREP
- Open discussion!
First, let’s look at a new query, the “clover” query: Q♣(x,a,b,c) = R(x, a), S(x, b), T(x, c)
, i.e.:
WHERE R.1 = S.1
AND S.1 = T.1
flowchart TD
direction LR
classDef attr fill:#9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
classDef tuple fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
subgraph GFJ["Generic Free Join for Q♣"]
direction BT
subgraph prep[" "]
Rgfj[R] --> pgfj1["𝜋_x"] --> RgfjIx{R.x}
subgraph fora[" "]
Rgfj --> gfj6[⨝_IX]
RgfjIx --> gfj6 -- (x=>a) --> agfj((a))
subgraph forb[" "]
Rgfj --> pgfj2["𝜋_x"] --> gfj2[⨝_IX]
Sgfj[S] --> SgfjIx{S.x} --> gfj2 -- (x=>b) --> bgfj((b))
subgraph forc[" "]
Rgfj --> pgfj3["𝜋_x"] --> gfj3[⨝_IX]
Tgfj[T] --> TgfjIx{T.x} --> gfj3 -- (x=>c) --> cgfj((c))
agfj --> gfj4[⨝_MJ]
bgfj --> gfj4
gfj4 --> gfj5[⨝_MJ]
cgfj --> gfj5
class agfj,bgfj,cgfj attr;
class r,s,t attr;
subgraph BFJ["Binary Join for Q♣"]
direction BT
Rbfj[R] --> bfj4[⨝_IX] --> bfj5[⨝_IX]
Sbfj[S] --> SbfjIx{S: x=>b} --> bfj4
Tbfj[T] --> TbfjIx{T: y=>c} --> bfj5
class a1,b1,c1 attr;
class r1,s1,t1 attr;
subgraph FFJ["Factorized Free Join for Q♣"]
direction BT
subgraph prep2[" "]
Rffj[R] --> ffj1[⨝_IX]
Sffj[S] --> SffjIx{S: x=>b} --> ffj1 -- ((x,a)=>b) --> s2((s))
Rffj --> ffj2[⨝_IX]
Tffj[T] --> TffjIx{T: x=>c} --> ffj2 -- ((x,a)=>c) --> t2((t))
s2 --> ffj3[⨝_MJ]
t2 --> ffj3
%% ffj3 --> ffj4[⨝_NL]
%% t2 --> ffj4
class s2,t2 attr;